Η Άντα Σπηλιωτοπούλου και η Πηγή Δαούλα σε μία lifestyle εκπομπή, με επίκαιρα θέματα ποικίλης ύλης, μουσική, θέατρο, κινηματογράφο, συνεντεύξεις και νέα της Ανατολικής Αττικής!

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ERFC issued a press release in Greek language regarding the YESS project. YESS (Young entrepreneurship Startup School) aims at creating the first Cross-Border (CB) incubator within the Regions of Apulia, Achaia, Ionian Islands and Epirus. The overall objective of the project is the promotion of the entrepreneurial spirit and the incubation of new companies, encouraging the economic development of the regions involved and the exchange of knowledge and competences between partners and stakeholders. The specific objective consists in the creation and the development of a CB incubator for innovative start-ups in the fields of: tourism, design, blue growth and e-health.…

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